Dr. Neela Enke , in cooperation with Dr. Anette Hammerschmidt, is editor of the book Forschen Lehren Führen – Das ABC für die Hochschulkarriere. The book offers a variety of relevant and practical suggestions for the daily challenges of a academic career. The authors are experienced coaches and researchers and pass on their concentrated knowledge to the readers. What key competencies do I need to develop in the field of science and teaching? How do I prepare for the professorship appointment process? How do I lead a team or institute? How do I deal with stress? The book is a handbook that you can open at the appropriate chapter to reflect and find a way or a solution for yourself in a given situation. You will get suggestions to look at concretely experienced difficulties from a different perspective and to try out new ways.
New Book: Forschen Lehren Führen – Das ABC für die Hochschulkarriere
Publication: Coaching and Digitalization
In cooperation with Monika Klinkhammer and Harry Enke, Scienza’s Neela Enke has written a critical text entitled “Coaching für Wissenschaftler*innen im Kontext der Digitalisierung – Coaching als Anker in entpersonalisierten Kommunikations- und Konfliktprozessen”. The text was written on the basis of the workshop “Conflict Potential of Digitalization – Coaching with Scientists” in the context of the 5th International Coaching Congress “Coaching meets Research” on the main topic “Organization, Digitalization and Design” in June 2018. The entire conference proceedings including the contribution on coaching of scientists can be downloaded here as an open access publication