Special offers in the coronavirus crisis: new workshops and coaching offers

Coronaviris crisis: In response to the challenges posed by the pandemic, we are offering new workshops and coaching groups online to support your doctoral students, leaders, and employees navigating this difficult time. We are also offering our usual programme via online formats.

We’d love to hear from you!

Please find our list of special offers here as a pdf: Coronavirus Crisis Offers

COVID-19 Crisis: Scienza is here for you online!

We wish our clients and their loved ones all the best during the Sars-CoV-2 crisis! We’re all facing personal and professional challenges, often completely new situations. Team Scienza is here for you and we’re offering ONLINE formats for workshops and individual coaching.

Coaching topics include organising your home office, time management while working from home, self-care during the crisis, switching to online teaching and support, leading teams from home, decision-making during the crisis…

We’d love to hear from you!

Publication: Managing conflict within interdisciplinary groups

We are happy to announce a new publication by Dr. Neela Enke. Her column “Under 4 Augen” (One-to-One) on managing conflict within interdisciplinary research groups came out in the July 2019 issue of DUZ magazine. The article is available to read here: Unter 4 Augen

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